Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I'm Still Here

Ha! I sure am not going to get to 365 memories at this rate. I've been up to a lot since my last post. The same stuff the rest of the world goes through. Most important is that I am still sober. I am living in a new place, a better place and while that is good, I dont have as many meetings near me as the last place I lived. I've dedicated myself to three meetings a week and sometimes find that I don't even make all of those. But I am getting better each day at disciplining myself into doing the things I must do and making those meetings no matter what is at the top of my (admittedly very long) list.

I stopped back in to force myself to post and went back and read some comments I had received and you don't know how much it means to me to know people I don't even know are rooting for me.

I feel like it is getting so much easier because I am so busy and have not had a desire or thought of drinking in so darn long. When I realized that I had passed 2 months sober and not given it much thought I knew I was heading for trouble. Ain't that a revelation? Two years ago, five years ago, ten years ago if I went a couple months with no desire to drink I would drop the whole AA thing. What would be the point, right? Oh, devil alcoholism how well I know thee now. It's when I think you are gone, no longer a bother, that you sneak up the quickest. For me, not feeling like alcohol is a daily or even weekly struggle is my surest sign that I need to head to the rooms and stay there.