Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day Four

I must have given serious thought to drinking a half dozen times yesterday - each time eventually shrugging it off. I have to remember that there will be cravings, there will be temptations. I have to remember that so as not to get caught off guard.

Yesterday I was told that I will not be allowed to spend the night at the house where my children live. And as I have very little money, I'm now not sure when I can return to Orlando to see them since I don't have a place to stay. I didn't call to speak to them yesterday, the first time in two weeks. I just couldn't bear it. Yes, I put myself in this position. Yes, this is a memory I need to keep at the forefront. Drinking did this. Drinking put miles between myself and my precious children.


  1. The obsession to drink is painful, I know, but you made it through another day! Good for you.

  2. Walk -- a beautiful long walk... And read -- it doesn't have to be just recovery litterature. Read something that interests you and get you outside of yourself.

    Stop by the library and take out some books. I'm a huge fan of Augusten Burrougs. Running with Scissors is one of my favs.

